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Fishing opportunities for 2017: A commitment to healthy and profitable fisheries

In preparation for the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the EU, where Member States' ministers will agree on fishing quotas for 2017, the Commission has adopted a Communication that sets out its principles for healthy and profitable fisheries in the EU.

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date:  16/06/2016

The Communication presents the state of fisheries in the EU, including an economic analysis of the sector which indicates that – with an average net profit margin of 10% – the EU fleet achieved relatively high profits in 2014. The fleet increased its economic performance significantly compared to 2008, when it was making losses.

Overall, fisheries in Europe are showing good progress towards the sustainability target set out in the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The Commission wishes to make further progress: when fish stocks reproduce at their maximum yield, this also allows fishermen to improve their turnover and profit. This should be reached as soon as possible, and by 2020 at the latest. This will also contribute to delivering good environmental status in Europe’s seas by 2020.

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fish­eries, said: “The performance of EU fleets confirms that the sustainable exploitation of fisheries in all EU waters addresses not only environmental, but also social and economic concerns. To maintain this positive trend, equal commitment is required by Member States. I also intend to continue to roll out multiannual plans, including in the Mediterranean that combine sustainability with stability in fisheries, while moving towards more regionalised decision making."

In the Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea more than half of fisheries, for which data advice is available, were operating at sustainable levels in 2014. Following the breakthrough agreement on the first multiannual fisheries management plan in the Baltic, the Commission will accelerate the development of similar proposals for other EU sea basins and considers this regionalised approach a priority.

This positive development is not uniform: fish stocks in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea continue to fare poorly. Firm action at all levels is needed to go beyond the first success story in the Mediterranean, namely the recovery of the Bluefin tuna stock. Less than 10% of the assessed stocks are fished at sustainable levels. Some of the overfished stocks are exploited mainly or exclusively by EU operators. The stocks in the Black Sea are also largely overfished or in a bad state.

The Communication also reports on the implementation of the landing obligation, one year after its introduction in 2015. The reporting by Member States shows no major problems but a number of challenges remain which will require concerted efforts by both industry and administrations. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is available to support their efforts.

The Communication is now open to the public for consultation. The contributions to the consultation will be taken into account for the Commission's proposal in autumn.


In its annual Communication on consultation on the fishing opportunities, the Commission sets out the rationale for setting the maximum amounts of fish that can be caught for the following year – in this case for 2017. Via an online public consultation, the Commission asks for the views of Member States, of the advisory councils, which include the fishing industry and non-governmental organisations, and of interested citizens and organisations.

In autumn the Commission will then table its proposals for fishing opportunities for 2017 in EU waters in the Atlantic (including deep-sea stocks) and in the North and Baltic Seas.

These proposals for fishing opportunities are based on the best available scientific advice pro­vided by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea and other independent bodies, as well as on an economic analysis provided by the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The proposals will incorporate adjustments resulting from the further expansion of the landing obligation in 2017.

For further information

Questions and answers about fishing opportunities in the EU for 2017

Communication: Consultation on fishing opportunities for 2017 under the Common Fisheries Policy