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Press releases/news articles

Give your views on funding for fisheries and maritime projects

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has launched a public consultation as part of the 2007-2013 ESF (European Social Fund) 2013 ex-post evaluation tο receive feedback from the public on the effectiveness and efficiency of the EFF (European Fisheries Fund) Operational Programmes and their impact.

EU seminar on landing obligation looks at lessons learnt so far

A seminar organised by the European Commission in Brussels brought together national and European policymakers, scientists, fishing industry representatives and other stakeholders to discuss first experiences with the implementation of the landing obligation. Speakers focused on lessons learnt and next steps.

Developing ocean energy

Ocean energy is a batch of hugely promising technologies that could replicate the successes of offshore wind, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella said today. Speaking at the International Conference on Ocean Energy in Edinburgh, Commissioner Vella stressed the European Commission's strong backing for ocean energy, an industry "destined for success". He also encouraged participants to contribute to the work of the Ocean Energy Forum, set up by the Commission in 2014.

EU welcomes progress on the global conservation of migratory sharks

Predators themselves, many sharks today are under threat. At the second Meeting of the Signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks (Sharks MoU), held from 15-19 February in San José, Costa Rica, the Signatories agreed to include 22 additional shark and ray species under the MoU, reflecting the need to strengthen measures to improve or restore a favourable conservation status of these sharks.

Commissioner visits GFCM and FAO in Rome

European Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, is at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in Rome today to discuss sustainable fisheries and ocean governance. Earlier today the Commissioner paid a visit to the headquarters of the Mediterranean fisheries management organisation GFCM. The critical condition of many Mediterranean fish stocks was a key topic.

Member States discuss new proposal on fishing authorisations

In Brussels today Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella will be presenting to the agriculture and fisheries sections of the Council of the European Union a Commission's proposal on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets. The presentation will be followed by an exchange of views with the Ministers.

New European Maritime and Fisheries Fund kicks off in the UK

Fisheries, aquaculture and maritime projects in the UK are one step closer to receiving support from the EU's European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), following the official EMFF launch event in Poole this week. The UK is set to receive €243 million of EU funds for the period 2014-2020.

Putting an end to overfishing in the Mediterranean

Fish stocks in the Mediterranean have been declining for decades. Over 90% of the fish stocks assessed are over-exploited, and despite recent efforts the situation is not improving. Managing fish stocks is complicated by the fact that many of them are shared with non-EU countries.

New fi-compass events open for registration

A new series of advisory seminars about using financial instruments (such as loans, bank guarantees, venture capital and other equity instruments) in the European Structural and Investment Funds is now open for registration.

Integrating economic advice into EU fisheries management

To manage our EU fisheries well, we need sound data, analysis and advice, both biological and economic. How do we make sure that the data on which we build our fisheries policies and management decisions are timely, accurate and indeed relevant? A European Commission conference, underway in Malta today and tomorrow, is addressing this question by looking into the issues surrounding economic advice in fisheries management.

EUMOFA new services and now available in 24 languages

EUMOFA has moved into a new phase, with the launch of a 24-language user-friendly website that brings updated, reliable and harmonized data on the EU fisheries sector to users, allowing them to browse and extract information on individual products but also by country or by week, month or year.

EU advocates for shared efforts towards transparency in fisheries

Together with international stakeholders, the European Commission today participates in the 1st International Conference on the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FITI) held in Nouakchott, Mauritania, under the auspices of President Abdel Aziz. Transparency is a key principle of the EU's approach to European and international fisheries policy.

Commission publishes summary report on ocean governance consultation

What can the EU do to promote the sustainable use of seas and oceans and preserve internationally shared marine resources? How can it help secure the conditions of sustainable blue growth? European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella today announced the results of a European Commission consultation on international ocean governance which took place from June to October 2015, alongside a 'listening tour' with stops in Portugal, Ireland, Malta, the United States, Norway, Chile, Spain and France, among others.

The 2016 quotas to ensure sustainable fisheries in EU

In fixing the fishing opportunities for 2016 for the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea, the Council confirmed the gradual transition to sustainable fishing that the EU initiated years ago and then formalized in the now two-year-old Common Fisheries Policy.