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EUMOFA new services and now available in 24 languages

EUMOFA has moved into a new phase, with the launch of a 24-language user-friendly website that brings updated, reliable and harmonized data on the EU fisheries sector to users, allowing them to browse and extract information on individual products but also by country or by week, month or year.

date:  04/02/2016

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As a market intelligence service of the European Union on fishery and aquaculture, EUMOFA aims at increasing market transparency and efficiency, providing data and analyses on EU market dynamics for supporting business decisions and policy making.

An introductory video is available here.

Cutting-edge tools and services that EUMOFA offers you:

  • User-friendly browsing - a new format allows browsing on computers and mobile devices
  • 24 Languages - the EUMOFA website is available in all 24 official EU languages
  • Market data - a robust, regular and reliable database provides market data, on weekly, monthly and annual basis
  • Monthly Highlights - reporting facts and EU market trends broken down by supply chain stages, from first sale to consumption
  • Yearly structural analysis - “The EU fish market”, providing a comprehensive view of the fisheries and aquaculture industries in the EU in comparison with other food industries


Dissemination policy of EUMOFA is based on three major levels:


Quality of data published by EUMOFA is ensured by:

  • Reliable sources - high reliability of sources and providers involved
  • Harmonised data - alignment of systems to a common aggregation standard which allows comparability of data: 97 Main Commercial Species and 12 Commodity Groups
  • Data monitoring - regular checks by EUMOFA analyst during both data collection and dissemination