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Featured projects

In-depth technology for deep-sea discovery

It is often said that we know more about the surface of the moon than the ocean floor. The EU-funded STRONGMAR project will address marine knowledge gaps by fostering knowledge transfer and exchanges between leading European marine science research institutes. The project seeks to support innovative technological solutions that will advance deep-sea research at INESC TEC in Porto, Portugal.

Understanding a changing Europe through big data

The EU-funded LONGPOP project will train young researchers in the skills needed to fully exploit big data. With a focus on social change, the researchers will be able to apply the knowledge and techniques learnt to helping welfare systems prepare for the years ahead.

Buy locally, buy quality: sustainability in public food procurement

School meals don't matter only to kids and their parents. Like other services within the scope of public sector food procurement, they also matter economically. Determination to source produce locally and sustainably can make all the difference to a region's farmers, as can labels protecting its specialities. An EU-funded project is connecting the dots.

Smartphone solutions for smarter, greener urban mobility

School meals don't matter only to kids and their parents. Like other services within the scope of public sector food procurement, they also matter economically. Determination to source produce locally and sustainably can make all the difference to a region's farmers, as can labels protecting its specialities. An EU-funded project is connecting the dots.

Nurturing research to vitalise Poland's bioeconomy

Researchers at the Institute of Soil Science and Cultivation in the Polish town of Pulawy have set out to promote the bioeconomy and its benefits in the region. Their work is backed by funding from the EU's ERA Chairs initiative.

Building on a 3D solution for resource-efficient construction

We know that 3D printing is set to revolutionise manufacturing. But construction? EU-funded researchers are putting the building blocks in place with 3D printing technology enabling the construction sector to manufacture concrete building materials in a more efficient and cost effective manner. The technology is being combined with more traditional techniques to offer an all-in-one solution.

Making Poland's energy infrastructure more sustainable

The EU-funded SuPREME project will help to promote a conversion to renewable energy systems and resources in Poland by twinning one of the country's best energy research centre with more advanced EU centres of excellence in the field.

3D X-ray imaging at very low dose

The goal of the FET-Open project, Voxel is to develop a ground-breaking 3D X-ray technology which will not only reduce the adverse effects of classical x-ray technology but also increase image quality.

Reflecting on cultural opposition to communism

The EU-funded COURAGE project is compiling and analysing collections of cultural opposition in former socialist countries, making the collections more accessible for educational and research purposes and highlighting their importance as a testimony to anti-communist opposition in Europe.

NoHoW video: How to maintain a healthy weight with eHealth

Helping people to lose weight has been very much examined. The NoHoW project however focusses on keeping the weight off in the long term. While collecting evidence about what works and what doesn't, the NoHoW researchers have developed a weight loss maintenance toolkit consisting of mobile apps, web-based tools, smart scales, activity trackers etc.

Harnessing the sun to clean up industrial processes

The production of cement and lime involves fossil fuels and produces harmful greenhouse gases. Industry could change this, if scientists can develop a technology that can use solar power for high temperature industrial processes. The EU-funded SOLPART project has built lab-scale reactors that use a solar powered process to meet this need.

Breaking down barriers to EU text and data mining uptake

Text and data mining (TDM) has huge potential research and innovation, but the inhibitive European regulatory framework means that EU uptake remains low. The FutureTDM project will first identify these barriers, and then seek to dismantle them.

Fish production forecasts for sustainable fisheries

The EU-funded ClimeFish project will co-create projections of fish production and distribution together with industry. The project will help ensure that future increases in seafood production occur in areas and for species where there is potential for sustainable growth.

Engineering bacteria to churn out chemicals

Scientists are delving into the core machinery of cellular life, in search of the mechanisms driving bacterial evolution and adaptation. Their findings promise biosynthetic factories able to convert biomass into fuels and valuable chemicals.

Connecting the dots for medical holography

No glasses, no headset, no smartphone - it is possible to produce 3D images that observers can view without cumbersome props. Base these displays on input from medical imaging devices and you could have the makings of a powerful new way to view patient scans. Holography holds the key, says an innovative SME that is developing this technology with EU support.

Nearer to the neuron

Language, reasoning and learning are abilities powered by the neocortex, the folded grey matter on the outside of the brain. But how does its neuronal circuitry actually handle information? Using the example of syntax processing, new EU-funded research is exploring the physiological underpinnings of human cognition.