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Overview   Featured projects

A smoother road for tyre development

A more advanced computer model and measurement approach enable manufacturers to more accurately predict tyre performance on the road. Developed by an EU-funded project, the model and approach could aid in the design of higher-performing, safer and quieter tyres and boost the industry's competitiveness.

Proposals for Poland

Poland does not necessarily top the list of destinations researchers consider while planning their next career move - even if it is their home. And yet, it has much to offer. A new EU-funded grant scheme will enable 90 incoming scientists to advance their work at Polish research organisations. It will also help to consolidate the country's research community.

Restoring Roman cement to its former glory

For once, the clue is not in the name: Roman cement was not invented in Rome. But it is indeed cement, and more specifically one that was widely used in the 19th century. Many a European city prides itself on the architectural heritage shaped by Roman cement mortar, which has since fallen from grace. EU-funded research has paved the way for a revival.

Is your interchange all it could be?

Cycling to the station, half an hour on the train, then five stops on the bus... it's all much easier if the transfers from one mode of urban transport to the next are seamless. An EU-funded project has produced guidance for the optimal design and management of interchanges.

A research roadmap for sustainable land management

The EU-funded project INSPIRATION aims to develop a European research roadmap on sustainable land management practices. The agenda would help focus Europe's research, supporting policymaking on environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically affordable soil and land use management.

What are the rules of gene regulation?

This is an important question for the development of personalized therapy. It is also highly relevant for an efficient production of bio-fuels or in agriculture. FET project MRG-GRammar is on a good trail to find answers.

Boosting translational cancer research

Developing new anti-cancer treatments is expensive, and national, public funding organisations across Europe dedicate substantial resources to this task. Linking their research programmes helps to ensure these funds are used to best effect. Transcan is now continuing as the Transcan-2 network, fostering long-term transnational synergy.

New tools make solar power more attractive to business

EU-funded researchers have developed and patented tools to make photovoltaic generation more reliable, cost-effective and easier to integrate into the grid, providing a boost to solar power SMEs and helping to make sustainable energy more attractive to businesses and end users. Commercial spin-offs are marketing the results in Europe and beyond.

The future of bomb scene investigation

We hear about bombings and explosions all too often. To find out what really happened at a blast site, forensic experts need state-of-the-art technology. An EU-funded project looked at different scenarios to develop novel tools for the analysis of evidence in the field. Two are about to be commercialised.

Sustainable concrete - the remix

Guidelines for making concrete from recycled ingredients could help the construction industry reduce its environmental impact. An EU-funded project developed the guidelines based on tests of recycled concrete, recycled steel from old tires and natural fibres from sisal.

The MUSES software: greater engagement of the user in the security of corporate information systems

The user is perceived as the weakest link in IT security. More often than not risky user behaviour finds its roots in simple ignorance. The necessity to proactively engage the user on IT security has become acute with recent developments in the corporate world, such as the introduction of mobile technologies or the Bring Your Own Device trend. Project MUSES has developed the prototype of a software that provides security guidance to the user by offering real-time, context-based recommendations.

Project to trial stem cell diabetes treatment

A promising stem cell treatment for diabetic kidney disease will be assessed in a clinical trial run by the EU-funded project NEPHSTROM. The trial is one of a series of steps to determine whether the treatment is effective and safe for patients with this life-threatening condition.

PEACEMED takes new approach to understanding an old conflict

By comparing urban dynamics in Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, this ambitious European-funded research project mapped inter-ethnic relations in contested cities throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. Its findings are intended to help policymakers understand the situation and could empower them to implement change.

Decision support for efficient refineries and chemical plants

Many everyday products contain petrochemicals derived from oil or natural gas. This comes at a price in terms of environmental impact and global warming. The EU-funded MORE project has developed systems that help to improve resource efficiency in chemical processing plants, and they are already saving energy and costs in several plants.

Cutting-edge shipping container system trialled

EU-funded researchers are pioneering innovative new robotic container management technology in order to achieve impressive cost and space efficiencies, and to help European ports remain internationally competitive.

New aircraft engine parts will reduce fuel consumption

They carry us around the world, but aircraft also burn significant quantities of fuel and emit pollutants wherever they go. EU-funded E-BREAK has developed more advanced and lighter aircraft engine components that can withstand higher temperature and pressure. Lighter aircraft propulsion systems are also lighter on the wallet due to lower fuel consumption - and their environmental impact is also lower.

Amputees to benefit from advanced prosthetics control

A breakthrough in prosthetics technology by EU-funded researchers will provide amputees with clinically and commercially viable artificial limbs offering intuitive, proportional and simultaneous control of hand, wrist and elbow movements in the near future.

A picture is worth 1 000 words

Digital forensics for images and videos is growing in importance - the tool can be used to catch criminals and track copyright infringement. EU-funded researchers have developed new techniques to advance the science - this could be a big help for law enforcement and a boost to industry competitiveness.