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Featured projects

Nuclear energy network works to improve safety

National nuclear energy authorities, operators and researchers continue to collaborate on developing better prevention and mitigation strategies for severe accidents through a network developed by the EU-funded SARNET2 project.

Training airline pilots to recover control from a stall

Pilots around the world can practise recovering control of their aircraft after entering a stall, using a simulation model developed by the EU-funded SUPRA project. By simulating such situations, the project fills a gap in current pilot training, and aims to improve air travel safety.

Arctic station network boosts climate change research

EU-funded project INTERACT has built a network of Arctic research stations, allowing them to coordinate and share resources more efficiently. The network aims to boost the scope and quantity of research on the Arctic, which serves as a bellwether of global changes to climate, biodiversity and land use.

Sharing knowledge for next generation thermal aircraft design

Planes today have many components that produce heat, and aircraft architects must factor this aspect into their designs. To do so, they have to interact with many contributors. EU-funded researchers have developed a system to facilitate this interaction and accelerate the process. It enables all involved to model and optimise thermal behaviour together.

Big HIV data opens new avenues to fight the disease

EU-funded project EuroCoord has advanced scientific understanding of HIV by bringing together patient data collected by over 100 institutions. The data are being mined for insight into better prevention and treatment strategies, including for vulnerable groups such as migrants and refugees.

New tools make solar power more attractive to business

EU-funded researchers have developed and patented tools to make photovoltaic generation more reliable, cost-effective and easier to integrate into the grid, providing a boost to solar power SMEs and helping to make sustainable energy more attractive to businesses and end users. Commercial spin-offs are marketing the results in Europe and beyond.

New patented biomass techniques boost sustainability

An EU-funded project has developed new ways of converting biomass in Brazil into a range of higher value-added products, helping to cut waste, reduce fossil fuel dependence and strengthen sustainable paper-making practices. Several new technologies are now being exploited by project partners and licensed third parties.

EU aeronautics sector boosted by ‘ice sensor’ flight trials

EU-funded researchers have trialled new sensory technologies designed to detect hazardous icy flying conditions at high altitude. The innovations, which can be fitted onto commercial aircraft, have been developed in anticipation of regulatory changes to further tighten aircraft safety.

Innovative manufacturing for greener aircraft engines

Aircraft engines could use fewer resources before they even leave the ground. EU-funded researchers have adapted cutting-edge manufacturing techniques to aircraft engine parts, cutting pollution and materials costs and making it easier to develop fuel-saving engine designs.

A wider circle for European polar research

The polar regions are often seen as a barometer for the health of the global environment, and understanding how changes in this area affect Europe and the world had become essential. An alliance of 22 research institutes has therefore set out to enhance the integration of European capabilities for polar research and maximise the benefits to society.

Cancer test would pinpoint high-risk women

An EU-funded project is developing a single genetic test that would indicate an individual woman's risk of developing breast, cervical, womb or ovarian cancer - potentially saving lives.

Towards the intelligent plane

There are always smarter ways to make things, and these days there are usually also ways to make things smarter. EU-funded researchers have looked at aircraft structures from this perspective. In addition to innovative materials, they are proposing technology that would give airliners self-sensing capabilities and enable them to change the shape of their wings.

Improving the outcome in treatment-resistant schizophrenia

The faster schizophrenia patients receive effective treatment, the better their prognosis. EU-funded researchers are establishing a profile of individuals unlikely to respond to the drugs used in first-line treatment, for whom the last-resort antipsychotic clozapine should be considered sooner. They are also improving the safety of this drug.

Tumor instability and impact on patient survival: it all depends on the immune response

Genetic and molecular characteristics are often used to classify tumors because stratification is the first step towards individualized cancer medicine with the aim to find the optimal treatment for each patient. APERIM project now could prove that the immunologic environment in and around colorectal cancer even plays a greater role to stratify tumors than classification based on tumor (in)stability.

High accuracy measurements to meet manufacturing needs

The advanced technologies designed by researchers working on the SURFUND project go beyond the current state-of-the-art techniques in metrology, the science of measurements applied to manufacturing and other industrial processes.

i-PROGNOSIS project builds early detection test of Parkinsons’ Disease

Parkinson's Disease is a progressive disease of the nervous system which affects around 6.3 million people worldwide, most of them aged 55 and over. Symptoms appear gradually and slowly get worse, making it difficult to diagnose. Today there is still no specific test for the condition and treatment options only help to manage symptoms. This is why the project consortium has joined forces to build early detection test and design innovative interventions using the potential of new technologies.

Closer to perfection in aircraft ice protection

Up there where the big planes fly, it gets very cold indeed: outside temperatures of minus 50°C are nothing special. Droplets of water suspended in the air can freeze to aircraft instantly, accumulating into layers of ice. A number of systems are used to tackle this gelid build-up, which constitutes a safety hazard. EU-funded researchers are developing new solutions.

Mapping the quality of Europe's inland waters

Regular monitoring of lakes and rivers is essential for both good water quality and a healthy ecology. An EU-funded project has used satellite imagery to create high-resolution mapping services to help countries better manage their inland waters.

SME toolkit for total safety management

Making workplace safety an integral part of business operations can reduce the risk of industrial accidents and improve worker well-being while increasing productivity by an average of 20 %, according to EU-funded researchers who have developed the tools to make this possible. Commercialisation of the tools has begun.