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National Events

EIT Awareness Day in Malta

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology in close collaboration with the Malta Council for Science and Technology is organising an EIT Awareness Day on 31 October 2018 at Villa Bighi, Kalkara. The event aims at raising awareness of the activities, results and achievements of the EIT Community and in particular of the opportunities for engagement with Maltese stakeholders. Save the date and read more below!

SAVE THE DATE! Latvian Presidency Conference: First Innovative Enterprise Week

First Innovative Enterprise week “Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and SMEs 2015” is a 3-day international conference on:

  • the political answer to the macroeconomic situation
  • ways to boost growth, jobs and competitiveness through innovation, including the investment Plan for the EU
  • how the financial instruments, facilities and accompanying measures launched under Horizon 2020 can enhance access to finance for research, innovation and SMEs
Slovakia: National launch event - 'Horizon 2020 Connections'

The first day of the event is dedicated to the conference Horizon 2020 Connections – a solemn launch of Horizon 2020 in the Slovak Republic with key-note speeches by Mrs. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science and Minister for Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic – Mr. Dušan Čaplovič. On the second day a matchmaking event will take place. The matchmaking is for researchers and research active SMEs only. The official language of the Conference and Matchmaking is English. The speeches and presentations will be held in English without interpretation to Slovak.