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Featured projects

Harnessing the full power of renewable energy with hydrogen

Hydrogen has the highest mass energy density of any fuel, making it an extremely effective medium for energy storage and distribution. As Europe deploys more renewable capacity, from vast wind farms to roof-top solar arrays, hydrogen is set to be an essential integrator, harnessing excess power generation, balancing intermittent supply and demand, and ultimately helping support a clean, efficient and sustainable energy system.

Cleaner urban transport with hydrogen buses

Trials in cities around the world have demonstrated that fuel-cell passenger buses can cut emissions and noise pollution while providing good quality public transport. New EU-funded projects could double Europe’s fleet of hydrogen buses – reducing vehicle and infrastructure costs per bus to boost take-up of the technology.

Hydrogen drives Europe towards emissions-free transport

A clean revolution is quietly taking place on Europe’s roads. Hydrogen fuel cells are powering fleets of public buses and refuelling stations are being deployed. Building on the results of several pilot projects, uptake of the technology is accelerating rapidly, putting hydrogen fuel cells in a position to underpin zero-emissions transport Europe-wide.

Promoting fusion-powered innovation

Nuclear fusion could be the perfect solution to the world's energy problems - but first, we have to work out how to produce fusion power cost-effectively. Research is getting closer, and the advances it is delivering could also be useful in other areas. An EU-funded project has highlighted the potential of technology transfers to industry.

Doctors use video to save lives

Remote diagnosis systems such as the one developed by the DRIVEN project can enhance responsiveness in emergency and disaster incidents, providing a significant time-advantage within that critical hour following an incident.

Towards new quality sports broadcast

Imagine your favourite football team entering a stadium. An army of wireless cameras is following the players to give you the best possible view - of the whole pitch, of the chanting crowd, of each footballer, from the tip of his head to the grass blades he treads with his cleats. Thanks to Prof. Leif Oxenløwe's research, this kind of wireless ultra-high definition television broadcasting can one day become a reality.

Can we prevent cardiovascular diseases in healthy individuals?

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Europe. Prevention relies on measuring traditional risk factors such as age, gender, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and smoking. However, many individuals, apparently at low-risk, still develop CVD. Improving predictions beyond the traditional risk factors is the challenge undertaken by Prof. Olle Melander with his EU funded research project - CARDIOPREVENT.

Mix and match wisely to avoid climate policy mess

An EU-funded project has made it easier to develop an effective mix of interlocking policies that will help the EU meet its climate change and energy targets. The methodology includes applying real-world analysis and modelling to policy instruments.

Cutting congestion with connected driving

'Connected driving' technologies will enable vehicles to connect and share information with one another, as well as with infrastructure and other parts of the transport network. Eventually this will facilitate decision-making, reducing the likelihood of collisions and helping improve traffic flow. But for this to happen, more accurate positioning information is needed - which is where the EU-funded HIGHTS project comes in.

New ways to make stronger crops

EU-funded researchers are investigating novel non-GMO approaches to stepping up stress-resistance in crops. The research could lead to increased yields for farmers and improve Europe's food security.

New aeroplane wing tests a flying success

Rigorous wind tunnel tests have shown that a new flexible deformable aircraft wing concept developed by EU-funded researchers can increase lift during take-off, achieve greater efficiencies in flight and reduce noise.

Accounting for aerosols in climate change forecasts

EU-funded research is helping to improve the relevance of future climate change scenarios by developing a way to account for aerosols - minute particles in the atmosphere - and their effect on global warming.

The cognitive art of team sports

While on court, beach volleyball players need to act as a whole in order to prevent the ball from touching the sand: in a fraction of a second - just before the opponent's hand spikes the ball - the passer has to predict and adjust to the attacker's action as well as to their teammate's block position.

Updates on the ageing brain

At the supermarket, do you always know where you parked your car? Can you remember what you came to buy, if you haven't written it down? And can you do so without having to rack your brain? If so, you're lucky. Most of us occasionally struggle, and will struggle even more as we get older. EU-funded research has analysed how age affects our memory.

Kick-starting R&D careers with CATHI

ISOLDE, CERN's transformer of elements, is about to be itself transformed: a major upgrade is under way. A large share of the R&D underpinning this overhaul was conducted by young researchers who contributed as part of the EU-funded CATHI project. This training network enabled 21 applicants to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field.

Virtual tests for aircraft innovation safety

New materials can make aircraft greener and quieter. But how would these planes behave in an emergency water landing? An EU-funded project's experiments and computer simulation tools are contributing to better understanding of the complicated phenomena involved in developing even safer and more cost-effective designs.

Accurate, real-time test for explosives

A fast, accurate and easy-to-use test for detecting high explosives, toxic chemicals and other small molecules is providing security services with a potentially life-saving tool in the fight against terrorism. Developed by EU-funded researchers, the innovative detection system has undergone successful field trials and is ready for widespread deployment.

Asteroseismology shakes up theory of stellar evolution

What is the lifespan of a sun-like star? Well, it may not be quite what we thought. The outcomes of EU-funded asteroseismology research conducted by Professor Conny Aerts and her team show that the cores of red giants don't spin nearly as fast as expected - and this, in turn, means that our understanding of the future of our sun was flawed.

Self-learning AI emulates the human brain

European researchers have designed brain-like artificial neural networks capable of numerical and spatial cognition and written language processing without any explicit training or pre-programming. Their work, based on the machine-learning approach of generative models, significantly advances the development of self-learning artificial intelligence, while also deepening understanding of human cognition.