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Harnessing the sun to clean up industrial processes

The production of cement and lime involves fossil fuels and produces harmful greenhouse gases. Industry could change this, if scientists can develop a technology that can use solar power for high temperature industrial processes. The EU-funded SOLPART project has built lab-scale reactors that use a solar powered process to meet this need.

date:  20/04/2017

Project:  High Temperature Solar-Heated Reactors f...

acronym:  SOLPART

See alsoProject details

When we think of CO2 emissions, we tend to think of power stations, electricity and hundreds of thousands of vehicles pumping out harmful pollution. But other industries also pump tonnes of CO2 out into the atmosphere each year. One of these is the construction industry, which produces the lime used in large quantities in limestone products, cement, concrete, and mortar.

The construction industry is not far behind energy producers, households and the transport industry in terms of how much CO2 it produces. “In fact, the cement industry is responsible for between 5 and 6 % of the world’s CO2 emissions each year (about 1 tonne/CO2 per tonne of clinker),” reports SOLPART project coordinator Gilles Flamant.

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