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Connecting the dots for medical holography

No glasses, no headset, no smartphone - it is possible to produce 3D images that observers can view without cumbersome props. Base these displays on input from medical imaging devices and you could have the makings of a powerful new way to view patient scans. Holography holds the key, says an innovative SME that is developing this technology with EU support.

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Health ICT United Kingdom

date:  05/04/2017

Project:  Holographic 3D Display for visualising v...

acronym:  HoloMedical3D

See alsoProject details

Scottish hard-tech company Holoxica is developing a 3D video device that generates live holograms based on input from computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners.

Instead of viewing patient scans in a mere two dimensions, doctors who have access to this innovation would be able to examine three-dimensional (3D) representations of scanned organs – in real time. They could also use these displays to explain their findings to their patients, or plan surgery.

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