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Anticipating the impact of climate change on Europe's seafood

The EU-funded CERES project is using models to anticipate the impact of climate change on European fisheries and aquaculture. The assessment will feed into industry-driven solutions to secure Europe's seafood supply.

date:  06/04/2017

Project:  Climate change and European aquatic RESo...

acronym:  CERES

See alsoProject details

Climate change will affect both Europe’s inland and marine waters. Considering the rate of global population growth and the accompanying increase in food demand, it is important to guarantee at least a degree of self-sufficiency for European consumers.

To minimise risks and maximise benefits, it is crucial that the seafood industry has access to information about just how climate change is likely to impact the stocks of the highest value fish species in European waters, as well as aquaculture productivity. By identifying mitigation measures at such an early stage, the industry’s capacity to adapt to potential climate change impacts should be greatly improved.

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