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Understanding a changing Europe through big data

The EU-funded LONGPOP project will train young researchers in the skills needed to fully exploit big data. With a focus on social change, the researchers will be able to apply the knowledge and techniques learnt to helping welfare systems prepare for the years ahead.

date:  24/05/2017

Project:  Methodologies and Data mining techniques...

acronym:  LONGPOP

See alsoProject details

Europe’s ageing population, declining mortality rates, changing family situations, and increased mobility and migration, all mean rapid social change. They also mean greater challenges for EU welfare systems.

Traditional tools for the analytical study of such societal challenges have shown serious limitations. To better understand these challenges, new tools will be created to exploit the big data nowavailable. Long-term investments in the development and construction of longitudinal population registers and large research databases will also help to open up avenues for new linkages between different data sources (i.e. administrative and health data).

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