DS Statistical business registers > Information on data EN REVAMP

European statistical business registers data are used by the statistical producers for the production of European business statistics. 

The national statistical business registers (NSBR) are basis for the preparation and coordination of surveys and serve as a source of information for the statistical analysis of the business population and its demography, for the use of administrative data, and for the identification and construction of statistical units.

The EuroGroups register (EGR) on multinational enterprise groups is set up by Eurostat for statistical purposes at European Union level. The EGR is a unique register for the ESS as a register population for business statistics requiring the coordination of cross-border information related to multinational enterprise groups.

The NSBR and the EGR are the authoritative source for deriving high quality and harmonised statistical business register populations for the production of European statistics. 

European profiling is an activity done by different European national statistical institutes,  in cooperation with each other, to ensure high quality data for large multinational enterprise groups in the national registers and in the EuroGroups register. Profiling means the analysis of the legal, financial, and economic structure of enterprise groups and the statistical delineation of their enterprises.

DS Statistical business registers > Information on data > Accordion EN REVAMP

Reference period and data release

DS Statistical business registers > Information on data > Accordion 2 EN REVAMP

Data sources

DS Statistical business registers > Information on data > Accordion 3 EN REVAMP