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Back Germany: largest absolute growth in international road freight transport demand, 2007 - Issue number 69/2009

Flows in international road freight transport

Germany, Spain, France, UK, Italy and Poland dominated the demand for road freight transport (tonnes loaded and unloaded) in 2007, accounting for 70% of the European total. Germany was the main partner in all types of transport. International transport flows accounted for 5% of the total and Germany showed the biggest absolute growth in international road freight transport. The fast relative growth in Poland (17%) was outstripped by even stronger rises in some of the other new Member States, notably Slovakia, Latvia and Hungary. Germany and France appeared in 14 of the top 18 intra EU-27 country to country flows. The Netherlands and Belgium with their major ports were also big players. Polish hauliers emerged as strong competitors, appearing as the main third country hauliers in 8 of the top 18 country to country flows. Outside the EU-27, Switzerland, Norway and Russia were the main markets. Sweden and Finland were important actors in this arena. A complete overview of statistics on road freight transport is available in Eurostat's free dissemination database (see last page).

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Release date: 4 September 2009

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-09-069
Theme: Transport
Collection: Statistics in Focus