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Back Crop production in the Mediterranean Partner Countries continues to increase - Issue number 12/2009

The main crops in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs) detailed in this publication include cereals, rice, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, grapes, olives and dates. Of these, the leading crops are vegetables which account for nearly 40% of total production, with 38.9 million tonnes produced on average per year over the period 2000-2006. The second largest crop is cereals, which account for 33% with 32 million tonnes. Fresh fruit ranks third representing 14% of total production with 13.6 million tonnes. A steady increase in production for most of crops can be observed in the MPCs in the period from 2000 to 2006. This is due mainly to increased yield, as the area devoted to agriculture remained relatively stable. Among the MPCs, Egypt has the highest percentage of irrigated agricultural area and is the largest producer for most of the crops, with the lowest variability in production over the period. This publication was prepared within the frame of the MEDSTAT II programme, see Statistical co-operation with Mediterranean countries

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Release date: 6 March 2009

Additional information

Product code: KS-SF-09-012
Theme: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Collection: Statistics in Focus