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Back The REACH baseline study – 5 years update – Summary report

In 2012 the EU legislation on chemicals, known as REACH (Registration, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals), is in force since 5 years. As a follow-up to the Eurostat study of 2009 which was published with data before REACH was in place, this 2012 summary report presents the results of the update and answers two key questions on the effectiveness of REACH: Does REACH lead to a reduction of the risks which are posed by chemicals to humans and the environment? Does REACH lead to an improvement of the data? The comprehensive study report including all statistical assessments and methodology is also published in the series 'Methodologies and working papers'.

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Release date: 20 September 2012

Additional information

Product code: KS-RA-12-024
ISBN 978-92-79-25985-2
ISSN 1977-0375
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Statistical working papers