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by H. Hilderink, N. van der Gaag, L. van Wissen, R. Jennisen, A. Román - NIDI J. Salt, J. Clarke, C. Pinkerton - UCL In order to produce Eurostat demographic projections, scenarios on international migration for European countries have to be defined. To arrive at soundly founded method to formulate meaningful migrations assymptions, the project « Analysis and forccasting International Migration by Major Groups » was initiated. The present report is the third in row. The overal objective of these three parts of the study is to improve international migration assumptions in demographic forecasts. In March 1995 part I was carried out by John Salt and Ann Singleton of the migration research unit of the University College London (UCL). Part II was done by Nicule van der Gaag and Leo van Wissen of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) in 1998. The present report (Part III) was done as joint effort of the NIDI and the UCL and was completed in April 2001.

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Release date: 30 November 2003

Additional information

Product code: KS-CC-03-002
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Statistical working papers