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The European framework for statistical business registers was established by Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 on European business statistics that entered into force on 1 January 2021. This is the first edition of the Quality report on European statistical business registers. It aims to provide users with relevant information on the quality of European statistical business registers (SBRs). The indicators included in the report are developed within the European business statistics (EBS) quality framework. They relate to the 2021 reference year, which was the first reference year of implementation of the EBS Regulation for European SBRs. The indicators were calculated by Eurostat based on the data reported by European Union (EU) Member States, EFTA countries and EU enlargement countries during the course of 2022 and 2023.

Additional information

  • Product code: KS-FT-23-005
  • ISBN 978-92-68-10780-5
  • ISSN 2529-3222
  • doi: 10.2785/28838
  • Themes: Industry, trade and services
  • Collection: Statistical reports