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Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics provides a selection of recent, topical data. Information is presented for the European Union (EU) and its Member States, and is supplemented (when available) with data for the United Kingdom, EFTA members, candidate countries to the EU and potential candidates. This publication aims to cover some of the most popular data within the domain of agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics as well as some of the wider farm to fork chain. The publication is divided into eleven chapters, providing facts and figures about farms, farmers, farm production and prices, the economic and resource performance of the agricultural sector, forestry and fisheries activities, food and beverages processing, distribution and the trade in agricultural goods. It concludes with a statistical annex for the EU27 and each of the EU Member States, covering a set of key indicators as well as a set of pertinent messages regarding agricultural developments.

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Release date: 17 December 2020

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Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-FK-20-001
ISBN 978-92-76-21522-6
ISSN 2363-2488
Theme: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Collection: Statistical books