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Back Regions: Statistical yearbook 2004

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As in previous years, the Yearbook uses maps, graphs and tables to highlight regional differences in a dozen different social and economic fields. Detailed commentaries then explain some of the interrelationships or provide useful background information for the user. Again, the Yearbook incorporates a CD-ROM with the data used to compile the maps and the electronic versions of the publication in German, English and French. This year, the CD-ROM also includes documentation concerning the adoption in 2003 of the NUTS 2003 regional nomenclature. New in the Yearbook's coverage is a section exploring the potential of statistics at the NUTS 1 level and a further innovation is the grouping of the previously separate LFS and unemployment chapters into a single chapter called "Labour market statistics". The 2004 Yearbook is the first to be compiled in compliance with the NUTS 2003 nomenclature and also, of course, the first to feature 25 Member States.

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Price: 40

Additional information

Product code: KS-AF-04-001
ISBN 92-894-7148-4
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical books