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Environmental protection is now being integrated into all policy fields with the general aim to ensure a sustainable development. "Environmental protection expenditure in Europe" includes statistics on the money spent to protect the environment, any associated revenues or cost-savings, and information about the financing of environmental protection activities (subsidies, payments for services). The publications further contains indicators of the response of society to reduce pollution. The data is the basis for analysis of the "polluter pays" principle, the effects on enterprise competitiveness, for cost-effective analysis of proposed new regulations and policies, and for estimates of the size of the environmental goods and services industry. Spending on environmental protection occurs in all sectors of the economy: the public sector, industry, other businesses (including enterprises which specialise in waste and wastewater treatment) and households.

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Release date: 10 September 2001

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Price: 35.5
Format: PAPER

Additional information

Product code: KS-39-01-320
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Statistical books