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The EuroGroups register (EGR) is the statistical business register of multinational enterprise (MNE) groups in the European Union (EU) Member States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.

In close cooperation with the national statistical business registers the EGR plays a central role in the production of business statistics. The European business statistics regulation (Regulation (EU) 2019/2152) has strengthened this role further as authoritative source for deriving high quality and harmonised statistical business register populations for statistics related to businesses and multinational enterprise groups.

The first edition of the European business statistics compilers’ manual for EuroGroups register (EGR) provides an overview of the EGR, as well as detailed information relating to the different steps that a data producer or user can expect from the EGR process and output. The manual presents guidelines on data delivery and the list of variables to be exchanged, key methodological notes, validation and quality assessment procedures. It aims to serve as a practical reference document for national statistical institutes involved in EGR data exchange and as a guide for general users of EGR microdata or aggregated statistics disseminated from the EGR.

Developed by Unit G.1 in collaboration with national experts in business register, the European business statistics compilers’ manual for EGR is based on accumulated knowledge, extensive material and documentation prepared over the years by numerous experts, Eurostat expresses gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions.

Additional information

  • Product code: KS-GQ-23-023
  • ISBN 978-92-68-10785-0
  • ISSN 2315-0815
  • doi: 10.2785/408279
  • Themes: Industry, trade and services
  • Collection: Manuals and guidelines