Publication Details

Back Measuring public innovation in the EU: the STARPIN methodology

This publication synthesizes the main results of the StarPIN project – Statistical Reporting on Public Innovation– carried out for Eurostat by the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy, with the support of dialogic – innovatie.interactie, Utrecht, The Netherlands. The publication presents a methodological framework aimed at enhancing the ability to measure public sector innovation. It reaches out from the established context, methodology and classifications of official statistics, towards innovative methods and tools of potential future data collections like web-scraping. An experimental test of the framework is carried out by means of pilot applications to specific public services in some countries. The publication can help analysts, subject matter experts, policy-makers and statisticians to reflect on possible demands and usages of statistics about the heterogeneous area of public sector innovation, as well as about modern, efficient and ‘fit-for-purpose’ tools and technologies that might meet such demands in the future.

Electronic format

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Release date: 17 May 2019

Additional information

Product code: KS-GQ-19-002
ISBN 978-92-76-01095-1
ISSN 2315-0815
Theme: Science and technology
Collection: Manuals and guidelines