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Back Harmonised European Time Use Surveys — 2018 guidelines

After 2000 and 2008, the Harmonised European Time Use Surveys (HETUS) 2018 guidelines are the third version of this methodological manual issued by Eurostat. The HETUS 2018 guidelines recommend – as innovations compared to 2008 – to include a new diary column on information and communication technology (ICT) used during each activity. The three-level HETUS Activity Coding List (ACL) 2018 will be exactly the same as ACL 2008 for the two aggregated levels; only on detailed third level of ACL a few additional codes are proposed. Moreover, people's everyday satisfaction will be captured in future via four additional questions at the end of the diary. In order to reduce the burden of respondents, there are fewer questions in the household and in the individual model questionnaire. Finally, the form "Weekly Schedule of Working Time" will be left out. Actually, countries planning to participate in HETUS wave 3 are preparing, together with Eurostat, to complete HETUS with new tools and sources for collecting data in the years to come. Results of these initiatives will become available by the end of 2019 and these will then be "translated" into precise and generally applicable methodological guidelines. Eurostat works – with the help of a dedicated Task Force TUS on Innovative Tools and Sources – to develop additional guidelines of this kind from 2020 onwards. Such additional guidelines, e.g. on new ways and mixed modes of data collection, will be added as an annex to the HETUS 2018 guidelines as soon as they will be ready.

Electronic format

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Release date: 5 April 2019

Additional information

Product code: KS-GQ-19-003
ISBN 978-92-76-01964-0
ISSN 2315-0815
Theme: Population and social conditions
Collection: Manuals and guidelines