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Back Environmental goods and services sector accounts — Handbook 2016 edition

The environmental goods and services sector, sometimes called ‘eco-industries’ or ‘environmental industry’, comprises all entities in their capacity as environmental producers, i.e., undertaking the economic activities that result in products for environmental protection and resource management. The environmental goods and services sector accounts is one of the European environmental-economic accounts and it is the ideal framework to collect data on value added and employment for the environmental sector. This handbook aims to support the data compilers in the process of data collection, compilation and reporting to Eurostat by explaining the underlying conceptual framework (including the scope, definitions and classifications), recalling the reporting obligations under Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 and suggesting possible applications and presentations of the results.

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Release date: 19 October 2016

Additional information

Product code: KS-GQ-16-008
ISBN 978-92-79-62096-6
ISSN 2315-0815
Theme: Environment and energy
Collection: Manuals and guidelines