Eurostat is happy to announce the winners of the European Statistics Competition 2024, held in the 2023-2024 school year. 

Over 22 000 students from 20 countries signed up for the seventh edition of this statistical literacy contest, which was the highest number since the competition’s inception.

After a challenging national phase, the winning teams from each participating country took part in the European final. The assignment was to make a two-minute video: contestants had to work with the topic 'Everything was better before! Truth or not?'

A jury of European experts assessed 64 submissions and chose the top 5 videos in both the age group 14-16 (34 submissions) and the age group 16-18 (30 submissions). The students left an excellent impression on the panel of experts with the high-level creativity and outstanding quality of their work! 

 Screenshot of YouTubevideo cover: European Statistics Competition video winners 2024

Winners of the 14-16 age group

Team Afs_stat_8 (Greece) won first prize for the junior age group (14-16) with his time-travelling video starting in the year 2099. The protagonist is comparing data between 1986 and 2024 and assessing how life in Greece has changed. In the end, a sand storm is fast approaching, and he decides to travel to the year 2024 to make the necessary changes to change the course of the future. 

The second place went to Secondtry (Slovakia) with two characters from different times (Lucia from 1938 and Jakub born in 1998) holding a conversation on the differences in the life both of them live. 

Mathletics (Germany) came in third with their video explaining how life is different now than in the past in Germany when it comes to various aspects.

Im_pro (Bulgaria) and Zenit (Slovenia) came in fourth and fifth respectively.

Winners of the 16-18 age group

In the senior age group, Zuikos (Lithuania) came in first with their professional video detailing the changes that have occurred in Lithuania. The video explores the digital aspects, social and educational life, fiscal data, and energy. The video ends on a positive note, stating that Lithuania has improved quite noticeably over the past 40 years. 

Pero4f (Slovakia) took second place with the video correcting Slovakian misconceptions with a well-designed video, explaining the changes that took place in Slovakia since joining the EU.

Worksheet (Lithuania) came in third with their explainer of changes taking place in Lithuania from different young adults.

Turbo (Slovakia) and Tukey (Greece) came in at fourth and fifth respectively. 

The award ceremony will take place on 26 June 2024, at 11:00 CEST, in Madrid, streamed online as well. 

This year’s jury was composed of experts in the fields of statistics, mathematics, fact-checking, and communication:

  • Glen Campbell, information and communication assistant for promotional content in the Publications Office of the European Union; Luxembourg
  • Bogdan Draghia, journalist, consultant in the communication department of the Romanian NSI; Romania
  • Jonathan Elliott, journalist, Eurostat podcast host; United Kingdom
  • Ramón Ferri García, lecturer at Universidad de Granada; Spain
  • Veronika Frankovská, analyst and project manager in the fact-checking organization Demagog; Slovakia
  • Anna Majholm, journalist, on the board of the European Youth Press since 2020; Denmark
  • Jyrki Möttönen, university lecturer at the department of mathematics and statistics, University Of Helsinki; Finland
  • Claudio Nichele, part of JRC's team of science & advice on knowledge sharing, collaboration and new ways of working; visual thinking afficionado; Belgium

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