In 2021, the EU spent €13.8 billion on imports of green energy products (including wind turbines, solar panels and liquid biofuels) from countries outside the EU. Meanwhile, the EU exported green energy products worth less than half this amount (€5.7 billion) to countries outside the EU.


Line graph: Extra-EU imports of green energy products, billion €, 2012-2021

Source dataset: DS-645593


Specifically, the EU imported €9.8 billion worth of solar panels, €3.4 billion worth of liquid biofuels and €0.6 billion worth of wind turbines from countries outside the EU. The value of imports of solar panels and liquid biofuels was much greater than the corresponding value of EU exports of these goods to countries outside the EU, which amounted to €1.3 billion for both. In contrast, the value of exports of wind turbines to non-EU countries was far greater than the value of imports (€3.2 billion).

Exports of liquid biofuels only totalled €0.5 billion in 2012 and grew to € 1.7 billion in 2019. However, in the last two years these exports decreased, falling to €1.3 billion in 2021.


Line graph: Extra-EU exports of green energy products, billion €, 2012-2021

Source dataset: DS-645593


In terms of value, imports of wind turbines and liquid biofuels into the EU in 2021 were higher than they were in 2012, showing an overall increase of 418% and 7% respectively, while imports of solar panels decreased by 3%. Exports of wind turbines and liquid biofuels were also higher than in 2012 (+9% and +173% respectively, while exports of solar panels dropped by 13%. However, while the last three years saw an increase in the exports of wind turbines and solar panels, there was a decrease in the export of liquid biofuels. 

For more information


Methodological notes:

  • The product codes associated with the green energy products shown in this article are:

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