Back In 2020, 80% of adults in the EU used the internet daily

11 October 2021

© Vizilla/

The percentage of adults (16 to 74-year-olds) in the EU using the internet every day during the three months prior to the survey increased by 15 percentage points when comparing 2015 with 2020 (from 65% to 80%).

In 2020, the majority of northern and western regions of the EU reported relatively high proportions of adults using the internet on a daily basis; the highest shares of adults using the internet every day were generally recorded among people living in cities rather than those living in rural areas.

You can hover over the different regions in the map below to see the percentage of adult daily internet users across the regions of the EU.


The highest share of adults making daily use of the internet was recorded in Helsinki-Uusimaa in Finland (96%). This was closely followed by Hovedstaden in Denmark, Stockholm in Sweden (both 95%) and another 2 regions in Denmark: Syddanmark and Midtjylland (both 94%). 

On the other hand, the lowest share of adults making daily use of the internet was recorded in Severozapaden in Bulgaria (53%). This was closely followed by the region Nord-Est in Romania (55%) and three other regions in Bulgaria: Severen tsentralen (also 55%), Yugoiztochen and Yuzhen tsentralen (both 56%). 


Would you like to know more about internet use in the different EU regions?

For more information: 

  • Data on the daily use of the internet refer to the last three months prior to the survey, i.e. the first quarter of 2020. Hence, the reference period refers mainly to the situation before the COVID-19 pandemic started. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the fieldwork had to be postponed or extended, and the timing of this 3-month reference period varies across countries.
  • In this article, the regional data are presented at NUTS 2 level. Regional data for Germany, Greece and Poland: approximated and based on values for NUTS level 1 regions. Flags: (g) refers to 2019 data. Regional data for Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta and Iceland: single regions at this level of detail. 
  • France: 2020 data not available. As a result, the EU aggregate has been estimated. 
  • Regions in Europe - 2021 interactive edition  
  • Eurostat regional yearbook- 2021 edition, also available as a set of Statistics Explained articles 
  • Regions and cities, overview page on the Eurostat website 
  • Eurostat Statistical Atlas 
  • Eurostat Regions and cities illustrated 
  • Eurostat application “My Region” (web and mobile app) 
  • European Pillar of Social Rights indicators presented by region (NUTS level 2) 

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