Back Households with children in the EU

1 June 2019

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In 2018, there were 223 million households in the European Union (EU). Almost one third (65 million) of these households had children living in them.

Among the EU Member States, Ireland recorded the highest proportion of households with children (39%), ahead of Cyprus, Poland and Slovakia (all 36%) and Romania (35%). In contrast, the lowest shares were registered in Germany and Finland (both 22%), followed by Sweden (23%), Austria (25%) and Bulgaria (26%).

Share of households with three or more children highest in Ireland, lowest in Bulgaria

At EU level, almost half of all households with children (47%, or 30.6 million households) consisted of only one child, while 40% of households (25.8 million) had two children, and 13% (8.5 million) three children or more.

The highest share of households with three or more children was registered in Ireland (26%), followed by Finland (19%), Belgium and France (both 18%), the Netherlands (17%) and the United Kingdom (16%). At the opposite end of the scale, less than 10% of households in Bulgaria (5%), Portugal (7%), Spain and Italy (both 8%), Lithuania (9%) and Latvia (10%) had three or more children in them.


Households with children in the EU

The source dataset is available here.


Highest proportion of single-parent households in Denmark, lowest in Croatia

At EU level, 15% of households with children were single-parents households.

Denmark (29%) and Estonia (28%) had the highest proportions of single-parent households among households with children, ahead of Lithuania and Sweden (both 25%), Latvia (23%), the United Kingdom (22%) and France (21%). In contrast, the lowest proportions of single-parent households were in Croatia (6% of all households with dependent children), Romania (7%), Greece, and Slovakia and Finland (all 8%).

This information is published by Eurostat on the occasion of Global Parents Day (01 June).

Statistics Explained article on househild composition statistics is published here.

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