Back 19% of 20-64 year olds in part-time work in 2018

21 June 2019

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In 2018, the share of people aged 20-64 who worked part-time in the European Union (EU) stood at 19%.

In 2005, the share was 17% and it has been rising gradually since then, reaching 18% in 2010 and 19% in 2012.

Among the EU Member States, the Netherlands has the highest proportion of part-time employment in this age group (47%), followed by Austria (28%) and Germany (27%). At the other end of the scale, four Member States have 5% or less of their 20-64 year olds in part-time employment: Croatia and Slovakia (both 5%), Hungary (4%) and Bulgaria (2%).

Ranked bar chart showing percentage of people aged 20 to 64 who were in part-time employment in 2018

In every EU Member State in 2018, the proportion of people aged 20-64 in part-time employment was higher among women than among men. Across the EU as a whole, 31% of women aged 20-64 were in part-time employment compared with 8% for men, a difference of 23 percentage points (pp).

The largest differences between the part-time employment rates for women and for men were in the Netherlands (51 pp), Austria (38 pp) and Germany (37 pp). In contrast, the differences were smallest in Bulgaria (0.4 pp) and Romania (0.6 pp).   

The source data are accessible here.


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