Back Number of scientists and engineers up 2% in 2017

20 September 2018

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In 2017, the number of scientists and engineers in the European Union (EU) aged between 25 and 64 increased by 2% when compared with 2016. The total number of scientists and engineers in the EU is estimated to be 16.5 million, and they represent one in five (21%) of all workers employed in science and technology occupations in the EU.

In terms of the distribution of scientists and engineers across the EU, for most countries this is generally in line with their share of the EU population. However, the United Kingdom and Germany together accounted for 38% of the scientists and engineers in the EU, which is higher than their combined share of the EU population (29%). In contrast, Italy and France accounted for 16% of the scientists and engineers in the EU, which is below their combined share of the EU population (25%).

Pie chart: location of scientists and engineers across the EU, 2017

The source data for scientists and engineers are here. Population figures are available here.


For more information:

Eurostat Statistics Explained article: Human resources in science and technology - stocks

Eurostat website section dedicated to science, technology and innovation.

Eurostat database tables on science, technology and innovation.

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