Release calendar for Euro indicators

This calendar uses Europe/Luxembourg time zone (CET/CEST).
ECB releases: The date published in the release calendar of Eurostat corresponds to the date the data are published by the ECB. Due to uploading procedures, these data may appear later in the Eurostat database on the website.
For releases of the Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN), see:
(*) Includes quarterly surveys of manufacturing industry, services, construction and consumers.
(**) Includes biannual questions on investment in the industry and services surveys.

 Eurostat makes the Euro indicators release calendar also available as an internet calendar in ics format.

In line with indicator 6.7 of the Code of Practice, all users have equal access to statistical releases at the same time. Privileged pre-release access to outside users is limited, controlled and publicised. The  Protocol on impartial access to Eurostat data for users sets out how Eurostat fulfils its responsibilities in this respect. It gives details on the two types of pre-release access: (i) for quality assurance purposes and joint production of European statistics and (ii) for information purposes.

Outside users with pre-release access for information purposes are specifically designated in the Protocol and are: other Commission Directorates General (depending on the subject matter), the European Central Bank, the Spokesperson and the Cabinet of the Commissioner responsible for Eurostat, National Statistical Institutes of Member States and accredited news agencies to the Commission in Brussels.

A report on the application of the Protocol on impartial access is presented annually to Eurostat's Directors.