DS Environment > Information on data > water EN REVAMP

Eurostat's water statistics cover:

  • water resources, per year and long-term annual average values of minimum 30 years
  • abstractions from water resources by origin, such as fresh surface water and groundwater, other sources, as well as the purpose of the abstraction
  • water use by supply scheme and by economic activity group
  • connection rates to wastewater treatment by type and level of treatment
  • generation and disposal of sewage sludge
  • generation of aquatic pollution by source and its discharge by type and level of treatment

Water statistics are also used in indicator exercises, such as for the SDG indicators.

In line with the water framework directive, data is also collected at regional level. This is done to develop a smaller dataset which is aggregated at the level of river basin districts and their subunits. The regions are defined in terms of hydrology – individual or grouped river catchments.

As collecting data is voluntary, the resulting data sets are incomplete to varying degrees, which limits their usability. 

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