DS Youth>Image overview - EN REVAMP

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DS Children and Youth > Overview > Introduction - EN REVAMP

Which information can I find here?

This section provides statistics from various statistical topics for which an age breakdown for children and young people is available.

It covers the following topics:

  • contextual demographic information
  • social inclusion
  • health, wellbeing, and disability (activity limitation)
  • care, education, and training
  • violence against children
  • children in migration
  • youth employment and digital skills.

The definition of the age at which someone is considered a ‘child’ varies depending on the underlying data source and policy needs. The maximum age can be up to 17 years. Young people are defined as being between 15 and 29 years old. Consequently, these 2 groups can sometimes overlap.

Start discovering this topic and consult our information on data page.

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