News > Events > 2024 > How to create maps using Eurostat data Revamp

The live stream of this online webinar took place on Thursday 18 April 2024 from 10.00 to 11.00 CEST.

Would you like to know more about how our statistical maps are created and become a mapmaker of your own? 

Maps are an integral part of our daily lives, helping us to navigate the world around us. They are powerful tools for data visualisation that enable us to translate complex information into instantly understandable insights. 

In this webinar you will learn more about the geographic information system of the European Commission, abbreviated as GISCO, and how to use Eurostat data to create your own statistical maps with the so-called IMAGE tool.


Time Agenda point Speaker
10.00–10.05 Opening of the event  
10.05–10.15 What is GISCO and what can it do for you? Hannes Reuter, Statistical Officer, GISCO coordination and projects, Eurostat
10.15–10.30 Create your own maps using Eurostat data Joseph Davies, Geographic information system programmer, Eurostat
10.30–10.55 Questions and answers  
10.55–11.00 Closing of the event  

Moderator: John Verrinder, Eurostat