The internet has become a key element of our daily life. It is so easily accessible on our phones that for some it might seem hard to live without it. 
In 2022, 90% of people aged 16-74 in the EU reported they had used the internet during the previous 3 months (see notes). This share ranged from 79% in Bulgaria to 98% in Luxembourg. Internet use has grown rapidly in the EU over the years - in 2010 it stood at 67%, and in 2015 at 78%.

In 2022, the internet was used mainly to communicate with others, sending/receiving e-mails (77%), instant messaging (72%), to find information about goods and services (70%), telephoning or video calls (66%) and watching internet streamed TV or videos (65%).

A majority of people also used the internet for reading online news sites/newspapers (64%), watching video content from commercial or sharing services (61%), banking (60%), participating in social networks (58%), and listening to music (54%). 

Bar charts: least and most popular uses of the internet in the EU (during 3 months prior to the survey; % of people age 16-74; 2022 data)

Source datasets:  isoc_ci_ac_i

52% of people used the internet to seek health information in 2022

At the EU level, in 2022, 52% of people reported using the internet to seek health information, while 33% said to have used it to make an appointment with a practitioner via a website, 24% accessed personal health records online, and another 18% used it to access other health services via a website or app instead of having to go to the hospital or visit a doctor. 

Among EU Member States, Finland registered the highest share of people using the internet for health-related activities, with 81% of people using the internet to seek health information and 79% accessing personal health records online. 

When it comes to using the internet to seek health information, Finland was followed by the Netherlands (78%) and Cyprus (73%). In contrast, Romania (29%), Germany (37%) and Bulgaria (39%) had the lowest shares of people using the internet for this end. 

As for using the internet to access personal health records online, Denmark had the second highest share of people (66%) after Finland, and was followed by Estonia (59%). Germany was the Member State with the lowest share of people accessing the internet for health records with only 2%, followed by Romania (8%) and Slovakia (14%). 

Bar chart: internet use for health-related issues in the EU (during 3 months prior to the survey; % of people age 16-74; 2022 data)

Source dataset: isoc_ci_ac_i

For more information


Methodological notes: 

  • Eurostat has just released fresh 2022 data for the Community survey on ICT usage in European households and by individuals; the full data from the survey is available here.
  • The data in this article are based on the annual survey on the use of ICT in households and by individuals; the results above refer to individuals’ experiences during the last 3 months prior to the survey. 
  • 2022 data for Ireland are not available. As a result, the EU value has been estimated.


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