Retour Main producers of chocolate in the EU

17 avril 2019

© And-One/

In 2017, the European Union (EU) produced around 4.0 million tonnes of chocolate, worth €18.3 billion.

Among the EU Member States, Germany produced the most chocolate (1.3 million tonnes, or 32% of the total EU chocolate production), followed by Italy (0.7 million tonnes, 18%), France and the Netherlands (both 0.4 million tonnes, 9%).

Continuing down the scale next came the United Kingdom* (0.3 million tonnes, or 7% of the total EU chocolate production), followed by Belgium* (0.3 million tonnes, 6%), Poland* (0.2 million tonnes, 6%), and Spain (0.1 million tonnes, 4%).

These eight EU Member States produced over 90% of the total EU chocolate production in 2017.


Chocolate production 2017

*Some data have been supressed due a confidentality issue.

Note: The data does not include chocolate used for industrial production.

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