Retour 8% of EU population unable to keep home adequately warm

5 November 2021

© macondo/

An EU-wide survey concluded that in 2020, 8% of the EU population said that they were unable to keep their home adequately warm. 

The situation varied across the EU Member States with the largest share of people saying that they were unable to keep their home adequately warm in Bulgaria (27%), followed by Lithuania (23%), Cyprus (21%), and Portugal and Greece (both with 17%).

Map: Inability to keep home adequately warm

Source dataset: ilc_mdes01

In contrast, the lowest shares (around 2%) were recorded in Austria, Finland, Czechia and the Netherlands.

For more information: 
•    Dedicated section on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)
•    Database on income and living conditions 
•    Statistics Explained article on living conditions 

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