Retour Vocational study in upper secondary schools

5 novembre 2018

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In 2016, close to half (49 %) of all upper secondary school pupils in the European Union (EU) followed vocational training programmes.

Students usually enter upper secondary school programmes (ISCED level 3) between the ages of 14 and 16. These programmes are typically designed to complete secondary education in preparation for tertiary education or provide skills relevant to employment, or both.

The Member States with the highest shares of upper secondary level students in vocational education programmes were Czechia (73 %), Finland (71 %), Slovenia and Croatia (both 70 %).

In contrast, the Member States with shares below 30 % were Cyprus (17 %), Hungary (21 %), Lithuania (27 %), Malta and Greece (both 29 %).

Ranked bar chart: share of students in vocational education 2016


The data source is here.

This week (5-9 November) is European Vocational Skills Week 2018. More statistics on vocational education and training, including vocational training within enterprises, can be found in this Statistics Explained article. The first half of the article analyses vocational education in schools or similar educational institutions and the second part of the article looks at vocational training within enterprises.

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