Retour EU hepatitis death rate stable

28 juillet 2018

© Tashatuvango/

From the 5.2 million deaths reported in the European Union (EU) in 2015, 7 300 were due to viral hepatitis. Men (3 900 deaths) and women (3 400 deaths) were almost equally affected. These values have remained roughly stable since EU records began in 2011. Nearly two-thirds of these deaths concerned people aged over 65.
In absolute terms, Italy (2 900 deaths, or around 40% of the EU total) recorded by far the most deaths from hepatitis in 2015, followed by Germany (960), Spain (900) and France (600).  
However, for a relevant country comparison, these absolute numbers need to be adjusted to the size and structure of the population.

Death rate from hepatitis highest in Italy, lowest in Slovenia and Finland 
With 40 deaths from viral hepatitis per million inhabitants, Italy registered the highest rate among the EU Member States. It was followed by Austria (31 deaths per million inhabitants), Latvia (26), Hungary (21) and Spain (19). At the opposite end of the scale, Malta recorded zero cases of hepatitis in 2015. Low rates were recorded in Slovenia and Finland (both with 1 death per million inhabitants), Bulgaria and Denmark (3 each) as well as the Netherlands and the Czech Republic (4 each).  

At EU level, the hepatitis death rate stood on average at 14 deaths from viral hepatitis per million inhabitants in 2015.


Graph: rate of deaths form hepatitis

The source datasets can be found here (rate) and here (absolute number).

This news item marks World Hepatitis Day (28 July).


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