Retour Food most expensive in Denmark and cheapest in Poland

27 janvier 2017

© Stokkete/

Logo Statistics ExplainedPrice levels for food, beverages and tobacco vary considerably across the EU Member States. In 2015, the prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages in Denmark were 45 % above the EU average, while in Poland they were 37 % below the EU average. Alcohol was priced in Ireland at 75 % above the EU average, however 36 % below in Bulgaria. For tobacco the highest prices were observed in the United Kingdom (119 % above the EU average), while the lowest were recorded in Bulgaria (50 % below).

These are some of the findings of Eurostat's most recent survey on food, beverages and tobacco prices, carried out in 2015 within the Eurostat-OECD Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) Programme. The survey covered a total of approximately 440 comparable products, enabling all countries to price a sufficient number of products representative of their consumption pattern.

Read more in the Statistics Explained article on Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco.