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CSB visualizes population migration flows in the territory of Latvia - European Statistical System (ESS)

CSB visualizes population migration flows in the territory of Latvia

The Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) has developed interactive web-based tool on internal migration of Latvian residents which depicts their movement across Latvia since 2000.

Data in the map of Latvia can be viewed by statistical regions, municipalities, municipality rural territories and cities. Direction of migration flow in the map can be switched from outflow to inflow, and time period can be changed (2000-2018, 2011-2018 and 2017–2018). Top 5, 10 or 30 territories or, in case of point diagram map, all territories can be selected to see where did residents of the chosen territory go, or which territories did residents come from to the chosen territory.

Migration flows can be looked at on the website

The tool depicts experimental statistics data on the migration of long-term residents of Latvia, comparing changes of actual place of residence between two dates (Population Census data on 2000 and 2011, CSB estimation of the number of population – for 2017 and 2018).

The tool was developed within the framework of grant project supported by the European Commission “Data collection for sub-national statistics (mainly cities)”.

For further information:

Press release

CSB Communication Section

CSB website



