Publication Details

Back Expert Group on Refugee and Internally Displaced Persons Statistics — International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS)

With the growing prominence of forced displacement internationally, there is increasing interest at national and international levels in statistics on refugees, asylum seekers, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugee related populations.

The publication 'International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS)', adopted by the United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2018, provides a set of specific recommendations that countries and international organizations can use to improve the collection, collation, disaggregation, reporting, and overall quality of statistics on forcibly displaced populations. The recommendations are intended to help improve national statistics on the stocks and flows of refugee and refugee related populations in their countries, and to help make such statistics comparable internationally.

This report presents recommendations on refugees, asylum seekers and related populations only. A separate publication, the 'Technical Report on Statistics of Internally Displaced Persons: Current practice and recommendations for improvement' addresses the way forward for the development of comparable international standards for statistics on Internally Displaced Persons.

Additional information

Product code: KS-GQ-18-004
ISBN 978-92-79-80777-0
ISSN 2315-0815