Back EU imported €405.9 million worth in honey in 2021

19 August 2022

© wirakorn deelert/

To mark World Honey Bee Day on 20 August, we take the opportunity to highlight the most recent data on the international trade of honey.

In 2021, the EU Member States imported 173 400 tonnes of natural honey (‘honey’) from non-EU countries worth €405.9 million. In contrast, in 2021, just 25 500 tonnes were exported by the EU Member States outside the EU. These exports were worth €146.6 million.

Compared with 2016, honey imports from outside the EU increased by 7% in weight, while EU exports to non-EU countries decreased by 10%.


Graphic: Extra-EU imports and exports of honey, Main origin countries of honey imports-2021

 Source dataset: DS-045409


Germany, the largest importer of honey

In 2021, 51 900 tonnes of honey were imported to Germany from non-EU Member States (30% of total extra-EU imports of honey). This makes Germany the largest EU importer of honey from non-EU countries, ahead of Poland (32 200 tonnes, 19%), followed by Belgium (25 600 tonnes, 15%), Spain (14 500 tonnes, 8%) and Portugal (7 100 tonnes, 4%).

Ukraine, the main origin of imported honey

Imports of honey from non-EU countries in 2021 came mainly from Ukraine (53 800 tonnes, or 31% of total extra-EU honey imports), followed by China (48 000 tonnes, 28%), Mexico (15 500 tonnes, 9%), Argentina (14 400 tonnes, 8%), and Brazil (7 900 tonnes, 5%).

For more information:


Methodological notes:

  • Natural honey: Harmonized System code 0409


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