Zurück EU produced 13.5 million bicycles in 2021

12 September 2022

© Stockphoto graf/Shutterstock.com

In 2021, a total of 13.5 million bicycles were produced in the EU, indicating a 11% increase compared with 2020. 

The sold production of bicycles greatly varies among EU Member States for which data are available. The largest number of bicycles produced was reported in Portugal (2.9 million), Romania (2.5 million), Italy (1.9 million), Germany (1.4 million) and Poland (1.2 million). 

Cycling promotes personal health and well-being; it is economical and, to the extent that it can replace the use of private cars, helps reducing air pollution.


Bar chart: Bicycle production in the EU, number of bicycles, 2021

Source dataset: DS-066341


For more information:


Methodological notes:

  • Data refer to PRODCOM code 30921000 ‘Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles), non-motorised’
  • Data not available for Austria, Latvia, Slovenia and Slovakia.
  • Zero production reported by Estonia and Ireland.
  • Cyprus, Malta and Luxembourg are exempt from collecting PRODCOM data and therefore no data is available.
  • Romania and Bulgaria: 2021 data on sold production and production under sub-contracted operations not available due to confidentiality. However, Romania ranks as the second largest producer of bicycles given the production on own account and Bulgaria ranks as the ninth largest producer for the same reason. Starting this year, there are two new production variables (sub-contracted operations production and production on own account summing up into sold production), as requested by the EBS Regulation.


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