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Back Position Paper on Mixed-Mode Surveys — 2022 edition

Under the auspices of the Directors of Methodology (DIME) and the Directors of Social Statistics (DSS) of the European Statistical System, a group of countries volunteered to prepare a “Position Paper” on current and future challenges with household surveys, namely methodological and data collection issues. Many countries pointed out that the Covid-19 crisis has prompted them to move from traditional household survey data collection to online, telephone or mixed-mode data collection. They had to make emergency choices and found that the available methodological and practical elements, though useful, were not entirely conclusive. It was therefore proposed to present to the Directors groups a "Position Paper" on mixed-mode surveys they could endorse.

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Release date: 27 April 2022

Additional information

Product code: KS-TC-21-009
ISBN 978-92-76-46111-1
ISSN 2315-0807
Theme: General and regional statistics
Collection: Statistical working papers