Inflation has been everywhere. While watching television news, on the radio on the morning drive to work and school, in adult conversations, and, of course, when paying bills and groceries. This topic is hot, but it’s also hard to explain, especially to children who are faced with another term they hear but often don’t understand. 

To make this easier, Eurostat released a short animation on inflation for youngsters, using some of their favourite things: pocket money and ice cream. The animation also explains what causes inflation, and the link between supply and demand.

Targeted to children aged 9-12, the animation is a useful tool for teachers to have for classroom activities. The video has an English voiceover and subtitles in all official EU languages and Luxembourgish and is available on YouTube and the European Commission Audiovisual Service

For more educational resources on this theme, we invite you to visit the Statistics4beginners article on inflation and the video on price statistics in the education corner.


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