In 2023, 8.5% of EU individuals aged between 16 and 74 used the internet to take part in online consultations or voting to define civic or political issues, such as urban planning or signing a petition.

Comparing 2011 with 2023, there was an increase in the share of online consultation or voting. In 2023, the figure was 1.1 percentage point (pp) higher than that in 2011 (7.4%).

Individuals using the internet for taking part in online consultations or voting, EU, 2011-2023. Line chart. For more information click dataset below.

Source dataset: isoc_ci_ac_i

The countries with the highest shares of people using the internet for taking part in online consultations or voting in 2023 were Estonia (26.6%), Malta (20.6%) and Finland (16.4%).

Meanwhile, the lowest shares were found in Cyprus (2.2%), Slovenia (3.5%) and Greece (3.6%).

Individuals using the internet for taking part in online consultations or voting, EU, 2023. Bar chart. For more information click dataset below.

Source dataset: isoc_ci_ac_i

For more information

Methodological note

"Online consultations or voting" refers to active participation in deciding about civic or political issues. It refers to one-time actions with a given timeframe for feedback and relates to the systematic collection of opinions. Accordingly, this process includes formal procedures to construct a consensus, potentially leading to formal decisions being taken.

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