Electric cars are an important part of the energy transition. They are becoming increasingly popular, with international trade in hybrid (both plug-in and non-plug-in) and full electric cars on the rise.

In 2021, the EU spent €11.8 billion on imports of non-plug-in hybrid cars (41% of total extra-EU imports of hybrid and electric cars), €11.4 billion on full electric cars (39%) and €5.9 billion on plug-in hybrid cars (20%). For all three categories of cars, the value for imports was less than the corresponding value for exports from the EU. Exports of non-plug-in hybrid cars were valued at €22.9 billion, which was more than half of the total extra-EU exports of hybrid and electric cars (55%), full electric cars at €12.3 billion (29%) and plug-in hybrid cars at €6.8 billion (16%). 


Pie chart and bar chart: Extra-EU trade in hybrid and electric cars, % and value billion €, 2021

Source dataset: DS-045409


Total value of exports increased 800% compared with 2017
In value terms, total extra-EU exports of hybrid and electric cars in 2021 totaled €42 billion, which was almost an 800% increase compared with 2017 (€4.7 billion). The total import value increased by more than 400% from €5.6 billion in 2017 to €29 billion in 2021.


Line graph: Value of extra-EU trade in hybrid and electric cars, billion €, 2017-2021

Source dataset: DS-045409


Imports of full electric vehicles increased 2400% compared with 2017

The value of imports for non-plug-in hybrid vehicles into the EU increased by 165% in 2021 compared with 2017 (€11.8 billion in 2021 compared with €4.5 billion in 2017). In the same period, the value of imports of hybrid cars increased by almost 800% (€5.9 billion compared with €0.67 billion) and that of electric vehicles jumped 2400% (€11.4 billion compared with €0.46 billion).

In terms of exports, the largest increase was for non-plug-in hybrid cars; in 2021, exports increased by more than 5000% compared with 2017 (€22.9 billion in 2021 compared with €0.4 billion in 2017). Exports of full electric cars increased by 660% (€12.3 billion compared with €1.6 billion), while those of plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by 150% (€6.8 billion compared with €2.7 billion). 

For more information


Methodological notes:

Full electric: 87038010, 87038090
Plug-in hybrid: 87036010, 87036090, 87037000
Non-plug-in hybrid: 87034010, 87034090, 87035000


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