In 2021, the EU imported 29 200 tonnes of fireworks from extra-EU countries, worth €90 million. This was more than three times less than what was imported in the pre-pandemic year of 2019 (105 000 tonnes; €264 million). In 2020, the decrease was already evident with 79 700 tonnes of fireworks imported, worth €190 million. 


Infographic: Extra-EU imports in fireworks, volume of imports in tonnes, in 2021

Source dataset: DS-645593


Nearly two-thirds (59%) of extra-EU imports went to three EU Member States: the Netherlands (6 900 tonnes, 24% of extra-EU imports of fireworks), Poland (5 300 tonnes, 18%) and Denmark (5 200 tonnes, 18%).  

China accounted for 99% of the total volume of extra-EU imports of fireworks (28 800 tonnes).

Happy New Year!

For more information


Methodological notes:

  • Fireworks: HS product code 360410 ‘Fireworks’
  • Dutch trade flows are over-estimated because of the so-called ‘Rotterdam effect’ (or quasi-transit trade): goods bound for other EU countries arrive in Dutch ports and, according to EU rules, are recorded as extra-EU imports by the Netherlands (the country where goods are released for free circulation). This in turn increases the intra-EU flows from the Netherlands to those Member States to which the goods are re-exported.


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